I have chosen the scientist Batxillerat and that is
because in the high school the subjects which I like the most are Biology,
Geology. However, I also like Philosophy and all about it. Those are my favourite
subjects but I also study Chemistry, which I don’t like a lot. But, actually, I
still don’t know what I want to do in the future and I don’t know which career
or what I want to study.
I try to see all the science documentaries that I can
because I enjoy see them and because I like to learn new things. I am quite curious
and I am interested in news from the scientific field and specially, the
reports related about the health field.
In my opinion, I will be very proud to become a part
of this project. I think that it would be an amazing opportunity in which I would
learn and have a great time at the same time.
Bé Maribel, encara que crec que s'hauria de "refer". Si vols ho podem fer i així tens una carta de presentació. En general, crec que has d'intentar fer frases més curtes, perquè quan s'escriu frases llargues es té tendencia a traduir literal del català... i sovint en anglès aquestes traduccions no quedan bé.