
dimecres, 13 de febrer del 2013

Introducing myself

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writting to explain something of me.  My name is Xènia Sellart Martínez, and I’m seventeen years old. I live in La Pobla de Segur, one picturesque village in the south of the Pyrenees, in Catalonia.

I course first of batchillerat in La Pobla de Segur too. I’m studying the scientific one, because I like maths, physics and biology too. In the future I will like to study sciences and food technology or biochemistry.
I am very friendly and I easily adapt in the places. Besides, I am very cheerful, lively and energy. I am always prepared to make any type of task or activity. I am polite, as well.  
Since I was young, I practice sport. Live in the Pyrenees has some advantages.  For example, I like to go running next the river, do excursions with my friends, or in summer, swimming in the lake too. I Also like go to skiing.

I also participate in the premier division of woman’s football team in Lleida with some friends. Furthermore, one of my other hobbies is the photography. I like holding my digital camera and go to search beautiful landscapes.

Personally, I would like so much to work in this project to discover information and new news about the topic of science and practice and learn more English.

1 comentari:

  1. Bé Xènia, si vols la podem corregir. Hi ha expressions que s'haurian de canviar per expressions més angleses (vull dir que no sigui tan traducció literal). D'acord!
