
diumenge, 3 de març del 2013

Institut geològic de Catalunya

Institut geològic de Catalunya (IGC) promotes research, development and divulgation of geology in the Pyrenean area. Activities and public services related with geology are taken in on this institute, also knowledge of geosciences.

It is equipped with all the necessary systems of telecommunications and it has been recognized as a sustainable and efficient building. In this way, its design respects the criterion of bioclimatic architecture, prioritizing measures of the use of energy. It is provided with a recycling rain water system and the air conditioning will be done by taking advantage of geothermic energy.

The IGC uses the Pyrenees as a natural laboratory, for the development of its own methodologies to fulfil cartographic products specifics of mountain areas. Since the beginning of the 20th century the rich plethora of rocks which make up the Pyrenees and the big quality of its outcrops has contributed to make the mountain range an exceptional area of geologic studies. This, together with the relative short extension of the area allows to scientists study diverse underground geological material and structures, without the need of make large displacements.

Tremp’s centre (IGC) is going to develop the following activities among others.
  • Development of the whole work programmes by means of complete different layers of information which make up the geologic map of Catalonia. 

  • Programme for specific projects of research, development and divulgation. 
  • There is going to establish areas for study and parameterization of diverse aspects related with geology. Particularly, it is going to work with matters related with new methodologies, like 3D modern geology and the development of techniques related with the structure and the underground, for example, geologic storage area and geothermic energy.
  • Meeting and support to other IGC’s activities in the Pyrenean area. In this field, it is important to bring out activities related with geologic risks typical of mountain areas, including landslide.

2 comentaris:

  1. Well done Natalia... Encara no ho he llegit del tot, però així el primer que es veu és el títol que crec, que estaria bé en anglès... i deprés escriure entre parèntesi en català i les sigles). Penso que aquest institut no només treballa en els pirineus. Perquè escrius sobre el IGC no la subseu de Tremp...
    Bé, ja parlarem. Ves pensant en escriure alguna altra cosa... Ja que el Gonzalo no ho serà fins d'aquí un dies. Podries escriure un article sobre els bessons, que són, les freqüències, etc... Així et vas acostumant al TdR. Busca l'informació en anglès per a familiarizar-te amb la terminologia.
