Peak oil
Why did we choose
this topic and what are you going to see in it?
We choosed the topic of the peak oil because we think that is very
interesting and it’s something that all the society has to think on.Lots of people
are speaking that we have to protect our
enviorement that we don’t have to use so much our cars,motorcycles…..,and all
this kind of things,but in the next moment you can see the same people driving
a car to their home whichis near to their job for example.We also think that
the society has to start to do something and not only speaking.In this project
we are going to explain you what is the peak oil,why is it happening,how it
affects us and can we prevent it.
What is it?
Peak oil is the point
when the extraction of petroleum reaches the maximum point , after which the
rate of production is expected, the extration is condemnated to enter in a
terminal decline. Since 2005 global production of oil has started going down ,
but since 2009 the levels of straction rebounded, and in 2011 the level again
has started to decrease. There is an active debate as to how to measure peak
oil, and which types of liquid fuels to include.
How it affects us?
The princial affectation that the peak oil can cause in our
lives is the rising price of petroleum and
consequently the price of the whole
We have to remember
that the biggest part of energy comes from the fossil fuels like diesel,natural
gas... and our society isn't prepared ,in this moment ,for living in a world
without petroleum because the society can became very instable and the economy
will be very heavy afected.
Why is it happening?
Since the disocvery of
the the petroleum the humanity started
to explote it with very fast temps without thinking of the consequences which can
produce that rapid explotation.It's clear that in the years when the petroleum
has been discovered,new technologies have been discovered and lots of factories
started producingPeak oil is determined by the observed production rates of
individual oil wells, projected reserves and the combined production rate of a
field of related oil wells. In order to understand physical peak oil, the
growing effort for production must be considered. Physical peak oil occurs
earlier, because the overall efforts for production have increased, expanding
The aggregate
production rate from an oil field over time usually grows until the rate peaks
and then declines—sometimes rapidly—until the field is depleted. This concept
is derived from the Hubbert curve, and has been shown to be applicable to the
sum of a nation’s domestic production rate, and is similarly applied to the
global rate of petroleum production. Peak oil is often confused with oil
depletion; peak oil is the point of maximum production, while depletion refers
to a period of falling reserves and supply.
M. King Hubbert created
and first used the models behind peak oil in 1956 to accurately predict that
United States oil production would peak between 1965 and 1971. His logistic
model, now called Hubbert peak theory, and its variants have described with
reasonable accuracy the peak and decline of production from oil wells, fields,
regions, and countries, and has also proved useful in other limited-resource
production-domains. According to the Hubbert model, the production rate of a
limited resource will follow a roughly symmetrical logistic distribution curve
(sometimes incorrectly compared to a bell-shaped curve) based on the limits of
exploitability and market pressures.
Some observers, such as
petroleum industry experts Kenneth S. Deffeyes and Matthew Simmons, predict
negative global economy implications following a post-peak production
decline—and oil price increase—due to the high dependence of most modern
industrial transport, agricultural, and industrial systems on the low cost and
high availability of oil. Predictions vary greatly as to what exactly these
negative effects would be.
In 2008 oil prices
reached a record high of $145/barrel. Governments sought alternatives to oil,
particularly the use of ethanol and biodiesel, but that had the unintended
consequence of creating higher food prices, particularly in the developing
Optimistic estimations
of peak production forecast the global decline will begin after 2020, and
assume major investments in alternatives will occur before a crisis, without
requiring major changes in the lifestyle of heavily oil-consuming nations.
These models show the price of oil at first escalating and then retreating as
other types of fuel and energy sources are used. Pessimistic predictions of
future oil production are that either the peak has already occurred, that oil
production is on the cusp of the peak, or that it will occur shortly. The
International Energy Agency (IEA) says production of conventional crude oil
peaked in 2006.Throughout the first two quarters of 2008, there were signs that
a global recession was being made worse by a series of record oil prices.
Can we prevent the
finishing of the petroleum?
It's very clear that the petroleum is
finishing, we know that,but we don't know when it will finish.It may finish
tomorrow or 1000 years later it's not something
endless.It's probably happening because of the fast extraction which we
think that it wasn't necessary.So as you can read in the previous paragraph the
finishing of the petroleum is something that we can’t prevent and it’s 100%
sure that it will happen some day and we don’t have to think how to prevent it,
we have to think about alternative sources of energy, and we also have to think
how to reduce our dependence of the petroleum.Reducing our dependence can be
expressed in using more public transport,recycle all the plastic,glass….waste,
using as little as possible a car or a motorcycle.
Com hem
dit al principi hem triat aquest tema perque creiem que es bastant important i sobre
tot interesant investigar-ho i tambe creiem que cadascu de nosaltres esta
afectat per l’acabament del petroli, tambe creiem que hem de trobar unes font’s
d’energia altrernatives(ja existeixen
bastants que son molt efectius ,ecologis i sobre tot no s’acaben).I com que
avui en dia la situacio mundial en general es bastant dura creiem que trobar
una solucio de l’acabament del petroli perque pot ser que no ens afectara a
nosaltres pero pot afectar als nostres fills o nets.
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